UPDATE – 12.02.22
Please continue to have your say about this planning proposal by visiting the Wakefield Council website and go to Planning Applications/ Planning Application No. 21/02235/FUL.
This proposal is likely to be discussed in mid February, and you can continue to comment until then. Thank you for your support.
We know this is a bad time of year to get people thinking about the Park but, the Penny Appeal Planning Application which has recently been submitted to the Council could cause real damage to Thornes Park. The Friends of ChaT Parks have objected to this, for if it were to be approved it could result in a major 24 hour Call Centre and lots of small businesses located on the former Wakefield College Site and prevent the people of Wakefield from enjoying the Park in the way that they do now. It would not only be visually unsightly, it would create more traffic on a weekend through the Park where children play, it would sever pedestrian routes through the Park and prevent free access to the car park which is required to support major events. Not only would it be unpleasant to have to walk around the perimeter of a business park, businesses operating 24/7 from the site would prevent the Park from being closed at night which would have a devastating effect on the wildlife in the Park. The proximity of these businesses would also prevent the Park from hosting major events such as the recent firework display which was enjoyed by thousands.
Do not let this development destroy our Park, please have your say and object to the Planning Application by going to the Wakefield Council website, clicking on the section concerning Planning Applications and type in your comments on Planning Application No. 21/02235/FUL.
If you have any problems then please contact the Friends of ChaT Parks for assistance. Help us to look after our Park so that it can also be enjoyed by future generations.