Classic Vehicle Show comes to Thornes Park 2018
Thornes Park was filled with classic vehicles on Friday when the Fleur de Lys Classic Vehicle Show came to town. From 4pm to 9pm the playing fields by the children’s play area side of the park wete filled with vintage vehicles – cars, buses, vans, tractors, etc. The Friends of CHaT Parks assisted at the event and had a Friend’s stall selling plants. The prizes for each category were awarded by MP Mary Creagh and the Best of Show went to Jeff Bailey with his Morgan Plus 4.
Fun in Thornes Park
Thornes Park sees plenty of fun and events this weekend. On Saturday The Penny Appeal are hosting the Eid Extravaganza from 12-6pm on the playing fields by the children’s playground. Entry by the Horbury Road.
Then on Sunday the RSPCA Leeds and Wakefield branch are holding a Paws ‘4’ a Walk around the Park. Meeting from 9.30am for a 10am start. On Sunday morning the RSPCA Leeds and Wakefield branch are organising a dog walk in the Park. Meeting from 9.30am for a 10am start. Please park in the college car park. To get to this car park, please use the athletic stadium/college entrance on the Horbury Road. There will be signs directing you to the car park once you go through the entrance.
The pay and play activities will be open at the weekend and of course the whole of the Park is blooming in the lovely weather. Come along and enjoy everything the Park has to offer!
Race for Life comes to Thornes Park
Thornes Park sees the Race for Life events in aid of Cancer Research UK, coming to Thornes Park this weekend. The Pretty Muddy Kids and Pretty Muddy 5k will be taking place on Saturday 16th June. Pretty Muddy Kids starts at 9.45am and 10am. Then the Pretty Muddy 5k will start from 10.30am. Both events will start by the side of the athletic stadium in Thornes Park, on the Horbury road. Please note that the Park Run is cancelled for this date.
On Sunday 17th June, the Race for Life 5k and 10k events are taking place in Thornes Park. The event starts at 11.00am from by the athletic stadium in Thornes Park. Please note that the junior park run is cancelled for this date.
Busy day in the Park, 2018
What a busy day Sunday will be! The Park will host the junior park run at 9am starting from near the athletic stadium. At 11am the French Bulldog group will be enjoying a walk through the Park starting at the athletic stadium. Meanwhile in the Clarence Park arena the Friends of CHaT Parks will be holding their 2nd car boot sale of the year, from 8am to 12 noon. Then in the afternoon the Wakefield Music Collective are hosting the Teddy Bear’s Picnic at the Clarence Park Bandstand from 2-4pm. This is a lovely family event with music and stalls. If this isn’t enough, you can walk round the Park or try your hand at the pay and play activities. Something for everyone!
Friends of CHaT Parks meeting

The next meeting of the Friends of CHaT Parks is on Tuesday 5th June at the Holmfield at 7pm. Our speaker will be Dr Phil Judkins, Secretary of the Wakefield Historical Society. His talk will be “More Deadly than the Male”, stories about the many roles undertaken by women in the two World Wars, some better known, some very unexpected and some almost unbelievable, except that they actually happened.
Everyone is welcome – members and non-members and you can join at the meeting. See you there!
Have fun and feel good with the Thornes Park games!
The wonderful weather over the Bank Holiday helped the games in Thornes Park to a flying start for the summer season. Thanks to the hard-working volunteers from the Friends of CHaT Parks, the games will be open from 10.30 am to 4.30 pm every weekend and bank holidays. The tennis courts and pitch and putt course were busy and the putting green had lots of families trying out their putting skills and having fun in the sun. These facilities are there for everyone to enjoy at very little cost: tennis £4 per court for adults and £2 per court for only juniors, pitch and put golf £3.50 for adults and £2 for juniors, (bring your own clubs or all you need is on offer from the Ticket Office for a small deposit) and the putting greens, including putter and ball, cost £1.50 adults, £1 juniors. If you wish to feel good and have some fun in the open air why not get down to Thornes Park and have a go.
May Day weekend in the Park
The May Day Bank holiday weekend will be seeing plenty of activity in Wakefield Park. With the blossoms out on the trees, walking through the park is a pleasure and there is always plenty to see. There will be the usual weekly Park Run on Saturday morning from 9am meeting near the old changing rooms on the drive in Thornes Park. Sunday 6th will also see the Junior Park Run being held in Thornes Park at 9am. From Sunday 6th May to Monday 7th May the 5th anniversary of the Yorkshire Brick Show will be held at the Thornes Stadium from 10am to 4pm, celebrating one of the largest exhibition of LEGO models in the country. Then on the May Day (Monday 7th May) there will be a May Day Gala in the Clarence Park Arena from 10am to 5pm. Whatever the weather brings this coming weekend there will be plenty of enjoyment for all the family in the Park.
Fleur-de-Lys Classic Vehicle Show 2018
The Friends of CHaT Parks will be working with the Fleur de Lys Classic Vehicle Society to present the annual Classic Vehicle Show in Thornes Park on Friday 6th July from 4pm to 9pm. Admission for spectators is free. More details about how to enter vehicles in the show will be available shortly from the society
Sunday (22nd April) is a busy day in the Park. From 8am til 12noon the Friends of CHaT Parks are holding their first car boot sale. Entry is on the Denby Dale Road, by the horse trough, and stewards will be there to guide you to parking spaces. Then at 2pm Wakefield Music Collective present the first Brass on Sunday concert at the Bandstand. Playing will be the wonderful Phoenix Brass Band. Please come along and support both these events!