We’re appealing for volunteers to help us with the Lowe Hill project. As you may know the Friends have been working with Wakefield Council and the archaeological experts to ensure that the Forgotten Castle on Lowe Hill becomes a key feature in the future of the Park. This requires co-ordination with WMDC Streetscene ,and the provision of volunteers who understand the principles of archaeology,who can, initially,undertake some ground clearance work.(Training will be given). Please email info@chatparks.org.uk or message on Facebook for more information. If you are interested in the first stage of this project, why not watch the excellent film produced by One to One Development Trust on the Friends of CHaT Parks website:
Current and previous items of news from the Friends of Chat Parks.
Multi Faith Tree Planting Event 2016
Wakefield Interfaith Group enjoyed a successful afternoon’s multi-faith tree planting in Thornes Park on November 16th 2016. The Mayor and Mayoress of Wakefield, Cllr. Harry and Janet Ellis, also took part along with WMDC park staff, Roger the Tree Warden, local councillors and community police. There were representatives from at least four Christian denominations plus four other faiths – Brahma Kumari, Muslim, Pagan and Sikh. After the tree planting ceremony refreshments were provided at St James Church, Thornes where attendants were able to share views about trees and the environment.
A Forgotten Castle
The Friends of Clarence, Holmfield and Thornes Park have undertaken an exciting project funded by Heritage Lottery to work with West Yorkshire Archaeological Services to do a geophysical study of the site. The Friends group extend out to the local community involving schools and other community groups in the project. The 23 minute film tells the story of Lowe Hill and significance as a cultural heritage site in Yorkshire.
Update on our Projects
On 12th February 2015 we held our opening meeting of the year.
In the first part of the meeting members were brought up to date with the News of the archaeological investigation on the site of the mediaeval castle on Lowe Hill, or Cannonball Hill as many know it.
Experts from the West Yorkshire Archaeology Service, helped by members of the Group, spent last Monday doing non-intrusive survey work and the results of this will help to decide what further investigation is needed. Members responded enthusiastically with suggestions as to how to make the site more accessible and more understood by visitors.
The Group then discussed several of the other projects being undertaken in the Parks.
The Three Parks Walk, which will link up the several paths in the Parks to give a complete circular pathway around the three parks.
The formal flower gardens in Thornes Park for which the bedding plants have been ordered and the Group, together with service users from the Council’s Family Services Team will grow the plants until they are ready for planting out to give the colourful displays which everyone looks forward to.
The Glasshouse/Conservatory has been refurbished to make it safe for public access, but it cannot be opened yet because of problems with the heating system. The use of temporary heaters mean that it is not safe to allow the public in.
The Children’s Playground near the Skate Park – the removal of the climbing net for health and safety reasons led to much disappointment amongst young visitors to the Park. We are glad to learn that this is going to be replaced soon, although not in time for this half-term.
Working Parties
There is a lot that the Friends can do in the Parks without replacing staff from the Council.
Litter Picks
Taking their cue from the Wombles, our volunteers do their bit to improve the look of the Parks by spending a couple of hours on occasionally Sunday mornings picking up litter. Keep posted for our next proposed date.
We know that litter is a continuing problem, not just in the Parks, and we are grateful to the members who come along and show they really are friends of the Parks.
Pruning and Weeding
Sunday 4th March 2012
We held a Working Party to clear away some undergrowth in the “Little Wood” near to the Lake.
The area is now much more open and less forbidding for walkers.
It is also much easier for the Park staff to mow the grass among the trees. It is hoped that this part of the Park will now be more attractive.
Sunday 5th February 2012
Although the weather forecast was for heavy snowfall, some members of the Friends of CHaT Parks decided to ignore the experts and met in Thornes Park.
Helped by the Scouts from 17th (Outwood Church) Group we trimmed away some of the undergrowth round trees.
The wooded area above the lakeside is now much clearer and the Park staff will now find it easier to keep the area mown and tidy.
The Park also looks much more attractive now and we hope this will encourgae people to use the area.
Unfortunately the ground was too frozen to allow the planned tree-planting to go ahead, but everyone enjoyed the bright, but very cold, morning and the Park looks better for their efforts.
12-14th October 2012 – Love Your Park
As part of Keep Britain Tidy’s “Love Where You Live” campaign, we worked to “Clear the Paths” on Lowe Hill.
With the help of Wakefield Council, the Music Collective, the Tree Wardens and the Sea Cadets we cut back the undergrowth, brambles and laurel bushes to open up the pathway again to bring the area back into use.
We hope to hold many more events in the future. Want to get involved? Call us on 0777 560 3809 or email info@CHaTparks.org.uk
Find out more about events in the Parks by clicking here or email events@CHaTparks.org.uk
Are you already a member? If not, why not find out more about joining the group and helping to protect and preserve Clarence, Holmfield and Thornes Parks? click here for more information