The annual display of summer bedding plants in the Thornes Park flower garden is now complete and all looks set for another stunning show in the next few weeks. The design is once again the work of Steve Brear, the workplace training officer for the Council’s StreetScene department. The Friends Group bought the plants as tiny plugs back in the spring and these were “potted on” by service users from the Council’s Family Services department. Once in the greenhouses the plants were looked after by the service users together with members of the Friends Group. The young flowers were protected from frost in the early days, watered as needed, then brought outside to harden off. Last week the flowers were big enough and the time was right for planting out. This was done by a team of Council staff, once again assisted by Friends Group members.
Last year, because of Covid, we only got half the plants we ordered, but this year we have received the full order. We hope that the weather will be kind and we can have a display as beautiful as we have had in previous years.